We’ll keep organizing for greater healthcare access and equity until we have won quality, affordable health care for all.
Action NC’s mission is to win greater racial, gender and economic justice through popular education, grassroots organizing and mobilization, leadership development, and increased voter participation.
We’ll keep organizing for greater healthcare access and equity until we have won quality, affordable health care for all.
Immigration reform must be comprehensive and include a roadmap to citizenship that is inclusive, an end to cruel immigration enforcement.
Building a progressive governing majority takes organizing for racial, gender and economic justice and equality in all of our issue campaigns.
Fighting to bring about municipal and legislative change in the areas of police accountability and Criminal Justice Reform.
The affordable housing crisis is displacing traditional communities. We work to win more affordable housing and help tenants know and expand their rights.
The war on voting rights and fair election administration is a growing and dangerous threat to democracy. We fight to expand voting rights and opportunities.
a number of issues that impact our state and communities. All of our work fits into seven issue categories which are summarized below and linked to full pages for more detailed information.
The purpose of these campaigns is to win improvements and to build power. Wins are good. They are even better when they boost confidence and determination, and lead to increased civic engagement, political awareness, and electoral participation.